Every second man is not satisfied with the size of his penis or hides it carefully. A penis with a size of 13 cm or more is considered normal, but many men do not even look at the official data, but try in every way to increase the size of the organ on their own, and some even decide on surgery. There are ways that you can increase the body by 5 cm, but for this you have to work hard.
Working methods for penis enlargement
To understand if it is possible to enlarge a penis by 2 cm or more, it is necessary to know how this body works in general. The penis itself consists of two cavernous bodies, under them there is an unpaired spongy body. The cavernous bodies are densely surrounded by a protein membrane, which, during an erection, is able to stretch to the limit. That's why it just won't work to somehow pump, stretch it.
Online stores now sell a wide variety of devices in a huge assortment that promise to rapidly increase your penis by up to 10cm or even 20cm in a matter of days, while the penis seems to grow right in front of our eyes - both in length. than in volume. All this is complete nonsense, for a long time with the help of devices the penis cannot be enlarged.
The safest way to increase the penis by 2s or 3cm is to go to the clinic and have a penile prosthesis. This is an expensive operation, besides it is very dangerous - a wide variety of complications can arise.
Another procedure that can be done in the clinic is hyaluronic acid injections. Such injections are also able to increase the volume and length of the penis by 6 cm or 9 cm. The result of the procedure lasts at least a year, so it must be repeated.
Increase at home
Raising the house member for a long time will not work. With the help of special devices, you can achieve certain results. But all of them will have a short-term effect.
Advertising for vacuum pumps is now widespread on the Internet. With the help of such a device, it is possible to increase the size by several centimeters, but for a short time. The extender has the same effect.

Another technique with a short effect is a special massage. It is called jelqing (or masturbation). The massage should be performed a few hours before sexual intercourse, as the effect lasts only 5-6 hours. Some argue that if you massage regularly and daily, you can increase your dignity by several centimeters in a few months. Suitable for teenagers and people on a tight budget.
This technique is also called milking, as the movement resembles milking cows. To increase the effect of the massage, you need to use a special lubricant. A "dry" massage is also acceptable, but in this case there is a great risk of injury. The massage increases blood circulation and that is why the penis increases. When blood circulation returns to normal, the organ returns to its previous size. Studies on the efficacy and full reliability of this technique have not been conducted.
Another technique for penis enlargement at home is the Kegel exercises. Such exercises should be performed regularly and then the result will be noticeable, albeit minimal. The essence of Kegel exercises is to train your muscles, and you can do them when it's convenient for you. If you train regularly, you can even improve power.
The most effective way to increase a penis at home without surgery and untested methods is to use a special nozzle. Nozzles can be purchased in a specialized store; a huge number are produced, for different lengths and thicknesses. You can choose a raised nozzle with pimples. It is comfortable and simple to use, while they are also able to give unforgettable new impressions to both partners. With the help of the nozzles, you can really increase the body to the desired size, while it is absolutely safe and effective.
First name | Efficiency |
vacuum pump | 6/10 |
jelqing | 3/10 |
Kegel exercises | 3/10 |
nozzles | 8/10 |
Petrolatum | 5/10 |
Inefficient methods
Now, with the help of advertising, a wide variety of products are being promoted, including means for penis enlargement. A variety of gels and ointments for penis enlargement at home, as well as pills with hormones, are actively advertised. The advertisement promises that it is worth applying a miracle ointment on the genital organ daily and it will begin to grow right in front of your eyes. The same is true with tablets. In their composition, such drugs contain testosterone, so the penis begins to grow.
In reality, this is all a lie, nothing more than a simple publicity stunt, but some men believe it and use it. Ointments and pills with hormones will not only not give the desired effect, but can also be harmful to health, so you should not take them without the advice of a doctor. It is another question whether the drugs were prescribed by a doctor for medicinal purposes, but this is a completely different story.
Another way that is absolutely not effective is dietary supplements. Thanks to advertising, their popularity has spread and men are taking them to increase the penis. The composition of such funds usually includes natural ingredients, but even regular use will not give the desired result. You can only get an increase in male strength, attraction, but the penis will not grow from this.
There are popular methods of penis enlargement, they are just great with their variety and a little bit of stupidity. For example, a well-known method is to rub the genital organ with soda or salt. This technique is not only ineffective, but also very dangerous. These substances can irritate the delicate skin of the penis and cause redness. Also, the procedure itself is painful. Rubbing with soda and salt will only bring injuries and discomfort, you will not notice any penis enlargement. Iodine will give the same effect: it is recommended to lubricate the penis every day.
Phyto-effect - penis enlargement with the help of herbs. In this case, it is recommended to rub various herbal infusions into the body - hawthorn, for example, or hibiscus, make compresses, drink herbal teas. This method has practically no contraindications, but the effectiveness is rather doubtful. By applying this method even regularly, you will not increase the size.
Proper nutrition: If you change your diet and eat certain foods, your penis will start to increase. This too is an absolute myth, not scientifically confirmed. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals can increase male strength and attraction, but not penis size.
There are a huge number of techniques that promise to increase the size of the penis by several centimeters. Many of them are simply useless and ineffective, or their evidence base is in doubt (e. g. soda), some have a positive effect and you can increase your penis, but for a short period of time. It is also possible to see a doctor, but this can be dangerous.
What should a man do who is not happy with his penis? First of all, you need to learn how to "use" your penis, because for many women size doesn't matter, all the discontent is just complex. If you want to try something new, buy several different nozzles, they can give an unforgettable experience and diversify the sex. Do not trust unverified and little known methods, do not take pills or use ointments without the advice of a doctor, this can be really dangerous!